[CURRENT_VERSION] = ‘2025.02.03’

[CHANGES] =’Added ICR peaking; Added protection for occupied serial port; Sorting of COM ports ;

[PREVIOUS_VERSION] = ‘2025.02.01’

[CHANGES] =’Added CleanSweepOffset to log; Provided protection for version check with firewalls; Added autodetection for CoBrite; ;

[PREVIOUS_VERSION] = ‘2025.01.26’

[CHANGES] =’Fixed bug that made GUI non-functional for PPCL600; Added ICR commands; Sped up initial connection to unit; Moved clean jump download to clean jump tab. Other improvements and bug-fixes;

[PREVIOUS_VERSION] = ‘2024.08.21’

[CHANGES] =’Added CleanJump for PPCL700; Fixed and finalized CLI; other minor cosmetic changes;

[PREVIOUS_VERSION] = ‘2024.08.18’

[CHANGES] =’Bug fix for output adjust of the ICR; Some extra protection against bad entries in ICR; Improvements in how the program exits.

[PREVIOUS_VERSION] = ‘2024.07.13’

[CHANGES] =’Alpha release for tunable laser; Fixed and reviewed for bugs; Added fixed font for analog array application.

[PREVIOUS_VERSION] = ‘2024.05.04’

[CHANGES] =’Major upgrades before release; Suitable for ICR control-board and Analog Array.

[PREVIOUS_VERSION] = ‘2024.04.19’

[CHANGES] =’Upgraded from rev59 of older GUI type. Fully new revision. Previous versions not tracked.